Curriculum Vitae
You can download my full resume.
Teaching, publications and talks are more thoroughly described in the dedicated sections.
- Lecturer Qualification in Linguistics Science (section 7) of the French National Universities Council (CNU)
- PhD in Linguistics Sciences
- Master’s degree of Linguistic Sciences, speciality Linguistics, Computing and Language Technologies, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
- Bachelor’s degree of English - Foreign Languages, Litteratures and Civilizations, Université Lille 3 - Charles de Gaulle, France
- Bachelor’s of English - Foreign Languages, Litteratures and Civilizations, Université Lille 3 - Charles de Gaulle, France
Academic Positions
- Associate Professor of NLP
- Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
- Lattice (UMR 8094, CNRS, Sorbonne Nouvelle, ENS)
- Post-doctoral fellow
- Université Paris Cité (France)
- Since january 2021
- Supervisors: Prof. Olivier Bonami & Prof. Juliette Thuilier
- PhD student
- Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès (France)
- 2017-2020
- Supervisors: Prof. Nabil Hathout & Prof. Cécile Fabre
Teaching experience
- Spring 2023
- Introduction to NLP
- Programming and project management
- Fall 2022
- Machine Creativity and text generation
- Corpus Linguistics
- Morphology
- Introduction to distributional semantics
- Spring 2022
- Inflectional morphology
- Fall 2021
- Introduction to derivational morphology
- Advanced derivational morphology
- Spring 2021
- Quantitative morphology
- Sprint 2020
- Corpus analysis
- Fall 2019
- Introduction to morphology
- Current researches in NLP
- Sprint 2019
- Lexicography
- Fall 2018
- Introduction to linguistic theories
- Current researches in NLP
Research Advising
- Master’s thesis of Linguistic Sciences (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France)
- Sémantique des noms d’action suffixés en –age, –ion et –ment : étude du degré de technicité (Mickaëla Vandewaetere, 2020), co-supervised with Cécile Fabre
- Étude des différences sémantiques entre dérivés morphologiques : le cas de la féminisation des noms d’agent suffixés en -eur (Mathilde Esperce, 2019), co-supervised with Cécile Fabre
- Étude de la stabilité des relations sémantiques lexicales basées, sur les modèles sémantiques distributionnels (Frédéric Saudemont, 2019), co-supervised with Nabil Hathout
- 18-month post-doctoral research fellowship
- Hubert Curien partnership
- 3-year PhD scholarship
- International Doctoral Mobility Scholarship
Participation to Funded Projects
- Demonext (Derivation Morphologique en Extention) - ANR-17-CE23-0005
- Cordinator: Fiammetta Namer
- La sémantique des noms déverbaux en français - FNS project No. 100012_188782
- Cordinator: Richard Huyghe
- RESTAURE (Ressources informatisées et traitement automatique pour les langues régionales) - ANR-14-CE24-0003
- Cordinator: Delphine Bernhard
- Reviewing
- Abstract Conference Review - 5th American International Morphology Meeting (2021)
- Administrative service
- PhD student Representative, CLLE, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France (2018–2020)
- CEPEL Member, association promoting linguistic research through vulgarization seminars for Bachelor students (2017–2020)
- Conference organization
- Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP 2021) - Paris, France
- La Grande Grammaire du français, event for the presentation of the book GGF (2021) - Paris, France
- Printemps des Jeunes Chercheurs CLLE 2020, doctoral workshop for the laboratory CLLE (2020) - Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
- Printemps des Jeunes Chercheurs CLLE 2019, doctoral workshop for the laboratory CLLE (2019)- Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
- TALN-RECITAL 2019, international NLP conference (2019) - Nancy, France
- Cross-Linguistic Discourse Annotation: applications and perspectives 2018 (2018) - Toulouse, France
- ESSLLI 2017, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (2017) - Université Toulouse Capitole, France